Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Morton's Steakhouse: The Sips of Summer

Panache blogs: #books #entertainment#nationalentertainment#romance

Morton's the Steakhouse, Sips of Summer: The Bourbon Trail,  6 p.m. July 19, 65 E. Wacker Place. 

Featured cocktails:

Thai Julep | Woodford Reserve Double Oak, Thai Basil, Black Pepper, Exotic Fruit

Summer Sour | Woodford Reserve Rye, Papaya, Pineapple, Ginger, Lemon

Smoke Break | Lapsang Souchong-Infused Woodford Reserve Bourbon, Zucca, Cardamom, Orange

Bourbon Pound Cake | The Wiseman Bourbon, Stone Fruit, Vermouth & Bitters

More details and tickets.



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